A note from the author: I decided to do something a bit different than what I do. I ended up looking at a writers prompt to try and get inspriation. One of them was to create something that turned into a monster. This is the first time I’ve done anything like this, so please bare with me. If you like this and want to see more stories like this, please let me know.
This all began on November 1st of 2007, I still remember how the day was before everything happened. I remember waking up at five in the morning. I wanted to sleep longer, but due to used to waking up that early, sleeping in felt impossible.
The room was still dark and not a sound going on. I opened my window, looked outside and the only thing lighting up the sky were the stars. You would think that being near a major city, there would be light pollution, but, this was not the case. I turned on the TV as I usually do. I don’t watch TV, to be honest, I use it as background noise since I need some kind of noise going on while doing my work.
I don’t mind writing on different subjects, but I was hesitant about writing this subject. I’m keeping the name of the person anonymous, but this individual needed me to write a book on how to play poker, and the ways you can cheat the game.
I wanted to say no, but my funds were running low and this individual offered me $700 to complete this book. I was more than willing to complete it. I worked on the book for two hours and got the book completed. I sent him the book, and he sent me the funds as promised. I lost track of time while I was writing and realized that it was 7 A.M.
I decided to work on one of my personal writing projects since I’ve been writing already. I sat down and got ready to write when I got hit with writer’s block. It surprised me since it had been years since I had a writer’s block. I stopped and put my stuff away, and went for a walk in town to help de-stress myself from writing. This is where things start to go down south. 20 minutes into my walk, I saw a large crowd of people at the library. At first, I thought it was a protest that was going on, but as I got closer, I noticed right away that they were all panicking. I’ve seen the fear in a person’s face before but nothing like this.
I heard a conversation going on behind me, that there was more of these incidents that were happening. As the group was getting more anxious, an explosion shook the ground a few blocks down. The shockwave from the blast shook the windows at a fast rate, causing some of them to shatter. People ran away in all directions. I thought at first someone planted a bomb somewhere, I had no idea how wrong I was. The ground shook, even more, realizing that these were not explosions, but footsteps. I became horrified on what I saw.
This was a creature that looked deformed. You could sense the anger this creature had. Its eyes burning like a wildfire let loose. It’s arms and legs, twisted everywhere yet it had no issues walking or running. It started attacking everything in its path. No one survived, not even the children. I ran towards the bridge, knowing that it would lead me out of town, and escape towards safety. I kept running for a good mile at least. Looked behind me and saw the whole city burning. That was the last time that I ever saw home. This was happening all around the world, and nobody knows where they came from.
Nothing was working, bullets, grenades, even missiles were ineffective against these creatures. For two years the world was in chaos, and governments all around the world were falling. These creatures ran amok for two years before they disappeared without a trace. Most people believe that they returned to wherever they came from. Part of me says they went into hiding, waiting for the population to stabilize. It’s been roughly two years since the incident happened. I don’t know what’s going to happen to us in the future, but I know for certain, if these things come back, they will consume everyone.